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Skate Nelson, Nelson New Zealand | Join us!
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Skate Nelson


closed from 24th March to early April (date tbc)

Our rink floor is getting some long needed TLC.
Starting from the 24th of March we will be closed for approximately 10-14 days. We will update as soon as we know more.

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Open for Public Sessions

Open for Public Sessions
Open for Public Sessions

$10 incl skate hire/entry

Regular Public Sessions ($10 includes skate hire):
L8SK8 Every Friday Night 6:30-8:30pm
Saturday and Sundays 1-3pm

Grab your socks and head to the Rink for great fun and exercise during our public skating sessions.

Email us

Email us

Where are we located?

Where are we located?
Where are we located?

Back Beach Road beside ProKarts

Head towards the beach & travel along past the Beach Cafe, council signposted.

Click this for Google Map



    Nelson Roller Sports Club Inc.
    PO Box 379, Nelson, New Zealand

    Physical Location:
    Back Beach Road (off Hounsell Circle)
    Tahunanui Recreation Reserve
    Nelson, New Zealand

    Email: nrscrinkblablabla@gmailblablabla.com


    Website by WeDoWebsites